Education needs hope.
We want to help.
Our Purpose is Your Purpose
Education seems to have lost its way.
This is why we’ve started the Residency at Regents teacher’s formation program. We want to help reorient teachers back to their ultimate purpose.
In short, we want to help make education true, good, and beautiful by training educators like you to know, experience, and reflect the One who is True, Good, and Beautiful in life and in the classroom.
Regents School of Austin has been helping to reorient education for over 30 years. During this time, we’ve learned a lot and accumulated many hard-earned answers.
Thirty years later, we want to offer these answers to the next generation of classical Christian educators. That’s because these answers never belonged to us; they’ve always been a gift from the Lord. So, to be true to our school’s name, we want to steward these God-given answers to train and cultivate future educational leaders interested in the ever-expanding classical Christian school movement.
Simply put, we want to use our past 30 years of experience to help the next 30 years of educators flourish personally and professionally. That is why we are here:
The Residency at Regents program exists to transform the future of classical Christian education by transforming future classical Christian educators.
Will you join us?